rescue:scene is currently in Davis, CA! My good friend Emma was so kind and gave me a 9 hour ride from America's Finest City to the Bicycle Capitol of the U.S. of A. We got in last Tuesday, which means I have been here for a whole week! This entire week I have been moving house. Moving stuff from apartment to apartment is such a hassle. I highly advise choosing a very nice place that you are most satisfied with and sticking to it. But most of that business is done with, I just have some little things to organize. Our abode is in quite an unappealing state. We have a handful of people stashing their belongings in our place for the summer, and at the moment it looks like a very unkempt thrift store. That having been said, I am excited for everyone else to move in so that they can put their things away in their proper places, thereby eliminating the thrift storiness that is Avalon 47.
I also have a bunch of clothes that I don't wear. I'm thinking of selling them to a thrift store for some quick monies.
Oh, and since Davis is a college town, there are tons of apartments. So around 1 September, the leases to all of the complexes end. Because most college students are lazy, they just throw out there unwanted furniture and goods on the streets for the taking. I am happy to say that I found a George Foreman grill with a bun warmer, and a baking pan filled with fridge magnets. The magnets were dozens of Spanish words, so I can work on making nonsense sentences. And the other magnets were various magnetic cutouts of clothing and various items which can be arranged and attached in a number of ways to a nearly nude magnetic Barack Obama figure. He apparently wears boxer briefs. I also forgot to mention that I found a John McCain bobblehead. I'll have to post some pictures of these things later on. Too lazy right now.