18 December 2009

On 18 December 2009 I was Thinking...

So I am here alone in my college apartment and here's what I was thinking...

I'm sitting here at my computer, going on Facebook and youtube and stuff. If someone were to try to break in, I think I would seriously try to put it in my Facebook status rather than try to call someone. Four reasons.

1. Someone might not answer if I call.
2. The crappy phone that I have would probably die while I would try to make the call.
3. Even if I did call someone, the intruder/serial killer would totally hear me and that's game over. Staying alive fail.
4. People go on Facebook all the time and see status updates and stuff.

The Davis Police Department should make a facebook account. Then, all you would do is befriend them and comment on their wall every time someone tries to kill you. That would be hilarious if you were to post a comment on their wall and you were like, "THERE ARE INTRUDERS IN MY HOUSE AND I AM HIDING UNDER MY BED," and one of your friends 'likes' your comment, or comments on it with "you're so effed LOL."

So yeah, that's what I was thinking today.

Click this thingy to enlarge the picture so you can see my potential status if I were ever to be in this situation.

17 December 2009

Christmas Break! Yay!

Dang, I have no idea what to write about. It's almost a week into winter break, and it's been pretty boring. I eat out way too much. 'Much' is a weird word. Much. MUTCH. Hutch. Hitch? Will Smith. Okay.

That's always the best way to end a paragraph/transition into a new paragraph- with a black person. What? Try it next time you have an essay to write for that class you're failing. Improvement. Guaranteed. So I'm getting into GLEE, which is totes high-larious. Also, probs gonna get back into Lost and catch up. So that means that from the point that I stopped watching Lost up to the last episode, I have something like 65 episodes to watch. Oh daaaaaarn. *sarcastic sad face* Michelle Obama.

So like I said, it's winter break. Christmas shopping. Ugh. No cash money on me. -__- If that song goes, "mo' money, mo' problems," then, for me, that means no money. no problems. I don't think that's true. With the money that I don't have, I want to buy a new pair of fake glasses since I broke them at the beginning of the year. That incident totally screwed me over considering that those glasses were made for people with perfect vision. And now that they're broken, I can't see. That's how it works. Look it up. Ben Franklin. Bifocals. Battlestar Galactica. Near-sighted people get glasses for their near-sightedness. Far-sighted people get glasses for their far-sightedness. Near-sighted glasses break, near-sighted people can't see. Far-sighted glasses break, far-sighted people can't see. Same thing. 50 Cent.

I drink coca-cola way too much. Muuuuuuuch. Also, something related to that. I just vacuumed our living room for something around half an hour. Our vacuum cleaner does not suck, which is a huge insult to all vacuums everywhere. Someday natural selection will weed out all the non-sucky vacuums and eventually we'll all have dyson vacuums.

George Foreman.

04 December 2009

Delayed Art, Academic Progress, Quicktime.

I've been meaning to post some pictures/art that I've had in mind recently. But it's finals week! So maybe I'll post that shiz as a sort of break from studying.

Also, I am sort of on my way to being a psych major! And I have recently decided to try to minor in communications! Fun stuff. So that's a music-trumpet performance and bachelor of arts in psychology double major with a minor in communications.

So sad that this quarter is already over :(