So I have this uncommon ubsession with the UK.
Wait, did you just misspell 'obsession' so you could make an alliteration?
Precisely. Art shouldn't be subject to rules. So I should just stopfollowingtheserulesrightnowhowaboutthat?
Just get on with whatever you were talking about. Hold on a tick, you even said 'UK' to further emphasize the alliteration. But the 'u' in UK is a long vowel, not a short vowel like the first two instances.
Well, why don't you just shut the hell up and let me do this crap? Is that okay with you? Can I continue without your constant cutoffs?
You did it right that time.
Yeah, well... I've always had this weird attraction to England. I find that a lot of the things that I really like come from there. Okay, so here are some examples... Music! Music is a big one. Check it out. Coldplay, The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys, Pink Floyd, Just Jack, The Rifles, Damien Rice is pretty good. Oh, and that one song, 'American Boy' is pretty damn catchy if I do say so myself. Movies and television are some other examples. 'Shaun of the Dead,' 'Hot Fuzz,' 'Brassed Off,' '28 Days Later,' Last of the Summer Wine, Top Gear just to name a few things. There is just something about their humor, their art, their culture in general that I just really love. Yeah, and the accents are dead sexy. Brilliant!
Hm. Are you taking me anywhere with this?
Not really. I mean, a lot of blogs don't really serve a purpose like that. You know? There aren't necessarily themes or lessons to be learned or whatever. Sometimes people just have something to say. Some have things they want to share. And then there are others who want people to rave about how cool they are and how hip and effin' eloquent they can be. Definitely not me, though. Come on. I just have something to share.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
It's supposed to mean that I'm being sarcastic. I think you're conceited as ****.
Right. Well, I just really want to go to England some day. Live there? Maybe. But at least stay a while. It's kind of just something that I've dreamed of for a while.
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