28 November 2008


I've been thinking lately and I've decided that I have some things to say; some things that I find interesting; some things that others might find interesting; and some things that I just need to let out. So a bit of background is probably a good thing...

As of this post, I am a student at the University of California, Davis. I came in as a CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) major and made the official switch to music early into my sophomore year. I play the trumpet and hope to either become a teacher/band conductor, or a professional musician. I was raised Catholic but I would say that I remained spiritually adolescent up until college where I had a spiritual growth spurt. Currently I am with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and it has been amazing. God has truly helped me grow so much during my college career. Although I am in this spiritual growth spurt, I would definitely not call myself mature. There is much I have yet to learn and much I have to practice.

I have a younger sister named Jamie who goes to CSU Long Beach for graphic design. We get along very well, which I am extremely thankful for. My mom is a hard-working woman and cares for me and my sister just like any mom should. My parents are divorced and my father lives in Oceanside.

I'm doing this blog scene partly because I want to sound articulate, partly because it's better than doing nothing, but mostly because I've been accumulating some thoughts in my head and I need a place to put them so that there's room for more thoughts to come in. It had been my first speculation that this first blog would be thought-provoking, witty, and insightful. However, this is the last sentence of my first entry and in retrospect I realize that I am not an English major, I am not as articulate as I would like to be, good blogs take time and effort, neither of which were sacrificed excessively here, that I am tired, that I don't care too much, and that this is only my first.

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