17 December 2009

Christmas Break! Yay!

Dang, I have no idea what to write about. It's almost a week into winter break, and it's been pretty boring. I eat out way too much. 'Much' is a weird word. Much. MUTCH. Hutch. Hitch? Will Smith. Okay.

That's always the best way to end a paragraph/transition into a new paragraph- with a black person. What? Try it next time you have an essay to write for that class you're failing. Improvement. Guaranteed. So I'm getting into GLEE, which is totes high-larious. Also, probs gonna get back into Lost and catch up. So that means that from the point that I stopped watching Lost up to the last episode, I have something like 65 episodes to watch. Oh daaaaaarn. *sarcastic sad face* Michelle Obama.

So like I said, it's winter break. Christmas shopping. Ugh. No cash money on me. -__- If that song goes, "mo' money, mo' problems," then, for me, that means no money. no problems. I don't think that's true. With the money that I don't have, I want to buy a new pair of fake glasses since I broke them at the beginning of the year. That incident totally screwed me over considering that those glasses were made for people with perfect vision. And now that they're broken, I can't see. That's how it works. Look it up. Ben Franklin. Bifocals. Battlestar Galactica. Near-sighted people get glasses for their near-sightedness. Far-sighted people get glasses for their far-sightedness. Near-sighted glasses break, near-sighted people can't see. Far-sighted glasses break, far-sighted people can't see. Same thing. 50 Cent.

I drink coca-cola way too much. Muuuuuuuch. Also, something related to that. I just vacuumed our living room for something around half an hour. Our vacuum cleaner does not suck, which is a huge insult to all vacuums everywhere. Someday natural selection will weed out all the non-sucky vacuums and eventually we'll all have dyson vacuums.

George Foreman.

1 comment:

imaginashen said...

GLEE YAY! NEW BLOG POST YAY! high five gerald. -steph