04 December 2009

Delayed Art, Academic Progress, Quicktime.

I've been meaning to post some pictures/art that I've had in mind recently. But it's finals week! So maybe I'll post that shiz as a sort of break from studying.

Also, I am sort of on my way to being a psych major! And I have recently decided to try to minor in communications! Fun stuff. So that's a music-trumpet performance and bachelor of arts in psychology double major with a minor in communications.

So sad that this quarter is already over :(


Grey said...

Hi Gerald! I was not aware you wrote consistently on a blog, but it's nuice to find a friend on the blogosphere. Yeah I sound like I'm still stuck in the 90s but blogosphere is a very... adept word. I hope you post regularly! Cause I do nahaha

Grey said...

Haha oh I'm Grace Leee