01 August 2009

Finished a Book!

Just finished Irresistible Revolution a couple of nights ago. Kind of surprising for two reasons: I bought the book somewhere around 3 or 4 weeks ago (I have never read a 'long' book that fast), and I finished it before I finished This is Your Brain on Music, which I was 60 pages from having finished it when I started Irresistible Revolution. After I finish This is Your Brain on Music, I have Mere Christianity in my backpack. As another piece of evidence to how terrible I am with finishing books, I started Mere Christianity freshman year of college, almost two years ago. I got to about 100 pages into it before I stopped. I suppose I'll just start it again from the beginning instead of picking up where I left off.

Irresistible Revolution had a real influence on me, I think. It's change some of my perspectives, and I feel that I really got a lot out of it. Here are some ways that it has influenced me...

I want to live a simple, more sustainable, and holy life.
I want to be an ordinary radical.
I'm closer to my hippy roots.
I still want to be a professional trumpeter, but now it's no longer a way to get a nice suburban house and live a comfortable empty life.
I want to give my money back to the poor.
I want to learn to make my own clothes.
I want to be close to the outsiders of society.
I don't want to just donate to cherities and never have to actually face the suffering people whom the cherities fight for. I want to know those people up close and personal.
I want to have a real imagination and creativity.
I want to share.
I want to love.

Needless to say, I highly recommend this book.

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